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The craftsman workshop ” A Toy with A Story – Imagine and create”

creart and Smile Bags invite you to join the craftsman workshop ” A Toy with A Story – Imagine and create” together with all the little ones!
This workshop is dedicated to all the children age 5 to 10 years, accompanied by their parents. Every kid will hav ethe opportunity to build a leather toy which they will be able to keep it in the end. The purpose of this special workshop is to invite all the children to create an object with their own hands and learn to collaborate with their parents in a relaxed fairy atmosphere.
Date: 1st of June 2016 / 5 pm and 6.30 pm (two workshops on the same theme)
Location: The French Village, creart Villa (Aron Cotrus Street)
Participants: 15 teams parent-child/workshop
Entrance: Free
5 pm – 5.10 pm – Guests Admission, presentations
5.10 pm – 5.50 pm – story and creation under the guidance of the designer Smiley Bags – Gaspar Chilingarov and Oana Văideanu
5.50 pm – 6 pm – Playing at will
The same programme will also be presented starting with 6.30 pm.
Participation can be approved only by a previous confirmation, using the following email addresses: and or by phone: 0733.331.324.
Please note that the places are limited! Please specify the number of your children, the name of the adult, the time you prefer and a phone number in the confirmation email in order to get the approval of your participation before the event.
You are deeply welcomed to this special workshop for children!

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